Showing posts with label Fine Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fine Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rituals of Life - Proximity Gallery

"Rituals of Life" 11"x14" Acrylic on Shaped Wood Panel.

Here is my submission for the DIA DE LOS MUERTOS show at Proximity Gallery. I wanted to focus on the religious aspect of the holiday and how it brings people closer to those who have passed on. I had alot of discussion back and forth with my room mate, Rachel about the piece so that it would read well and clear enough to get the idea across I was going for.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Success and Failure: Summer of Book binding

This summer, I took an independent study class at Harrisburg Area Community College with Professor Shawn Williams to further explore an area of interest I have. Book making/Binding.

I have learned a thing or two this summer about making books and printing for books like, its hard to hold detail in a screen printed image when its originally made for 8x11 and up and you print it in a 4"x4" area. None the less, even though the printing is not all that to be wowed by, the fact that I made my first printed book is an exciting experience. This is something that I plan on continuing and exploring so that I can then become a book maker.

Below is a close up to one of my favorite pages.

Monday, July 6, 2009


20x30 Acrylic, Charcoal, Conte on Cream Stonehedge paper.

Sorry I don't have a better photo. This was shown at the New Kids on the block show. I gave it to a friend as a gift for all of her help in the past year. Working on this piece was refreshing because I often put in alot of time to make the images I create look organic and traditional when really it is all digital. So to put in random mark making like Cy Twombly, and painting with acrylic to paper was something I felt I needed to do.

The piece is part of an on going exploration I am looking into. Not really sure what, but thats the difference between fine art and illustration. In fine art, you take your time and try to figure out the meaning of something and show it to everyone in hopes of some form of understanding. The viewer than can take their time to understand or enjoy the image as it sits on a gallery wall. While that is true of fine art, illustration, for me is more about creating an image in a short amount of time, to help the viewer quickly understand or help supplement whatever the image goes with. This could be an editorial piece on an abstract issue, a record cover to attract and give alittle bit about the bands vision, or even a picture book to challenge and inspire ideas. While a sketchbook is a good breeding ground to become more refreshed with new idea's and exploration, I also feel that fine art for the gallery wall is a more focused way of exploring just that.

Below are detail images...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dreamer Preview

Preview detail of Dreamer

Earlier this year I made a post about making a series of fine art work starting with a piece called Dreamer. Well I finished the piece and it will be in The New Kids on the block show.

It is strictly a traditional piece. Even the negative for the screen printed line was drawn, photo copied larger and taped together before setting it to the screen. So I was pretty proud of myself to step away from the computer for once and make a pretty experimental piece. I explored my influences a little heavier in this piece than I would have in my illustration which is a little more under the surface.

I will post the finished images for the show and the whole image next saturday.

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Kids on the Block show

My peers in the senior class in the illustration department at UARTS are putting together a group show here in Philadelphia, called The New Kids on the block show. Each artist is showing a minimum of four pieces.

Below is a preview of two of the four works I will be having in the show.

Relieving Stress: Female and Male. 4 Color Silk Screen on wood.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Website Updated

3 New Images! One is of a show poster previously shown on my blog and 2 other images.

The image above is one of the pieces I am going to be silk screening this week and next week so I can create a store section. One print of which is the show poster I added to my portfolio.

I hope you like the new work.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dreamer Sketch

Dreamer Sketch - Gouache, White conte, and pencil on brown paper

As I am creating a nice illustration and design portfolio I am also going to be working on a fine art portfolio.

This is the first sketch to the start of a series of 5 to 10 fine art pieces. This piece is going to show her dreams, and thoughts as she sleeps.